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How to receive bounce notifications

When sending forms, it is important to know if your email was bounced. This manual explains how to set up notifications for this purpose.

Open your form in the Studio, in the Studio: 

  1. Click on Notifications 
  2. Click on Add notification 
  3. For trigger select On bounced notification 
  4. Finally select the email to which the bounced email will be send, you get the following options 
    1. Owner:  This is the person who is responsible for the request, their email address will than be used 
    2. Creator: This is the person who has created the request, their email address will be used 
    3. System: This is the Penbox email, if you choose this option the email will be send from no_reply@penbox.app 
    4. Other: you can also send an email to a specific email address.
      1. First remove the existing choice by clicking on Backspace on your keyboard 
      2. Fill in the email from which you want the request to be send (note this email needs to contain the same Domain name as is configured in your workspace) 
      3. Click on Enter 
      4. The new email has now been added 

The bounce notification has now been added. 

bounce email