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How to setup internal notifications

With Penbox you don't need to continuously check the app for updates. When a flow has been completed you can decide to activate an internal notification. This manual explain you how to setup that notification

How to setup your notifications

  • Go to app.penbox.io and log in
  • In the left most column click on flows 
    • click on Your Templates 
      • Look up the flow that you want to edit and click on Edit in studio
  • On the left side of the screen under Menu, click on Notifications 
  • Click on Add notification 
  • Select when the notification needs to be send
    • On response completed: This trigger will be activated when the contact has completed the flow 
    • On bounced notification:  This trigger will be activated when the flow was unable to be send to the contact
  • Select who needs to receive a notification when a request has been completed
    • Owner: this is the person who is responsible for the processing of the request 
    • Creator: this is the person who has created the request 
    • Custom email: Incase you want to send the notification to a different email address 


Note: notifications are only send via email not SMS