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Studio: Text Input Element

This manual explains the settings of the Text input element

Text input configuration settings

  • Required: Make it mandatory for the contact the answer the question
  • Title: State here the information that you want to receive from your contact
  • Format: Select between email & text 
  • Placeholder: Provide an example in the field of the kind of information or format that should be entered into the field
  • Hint: Provide a hint underneath the field of the kind of information or format that should be entered into the field
  • Min: Specify the minimum character count required for the input
  • Max: Specify the maximum character count required for the input
  • Default: Pre-fill an answer into the text field
  • Multiline: Mark the checkbox to create a larger text field 
  • Key: The key is the identifier of the element and is used for conditions, elements with the same key will be automatically prefilled 
