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Studio: Number Input Element

Sometimes you need to request numerical information from your contacts. In order to do we have created the Number input element. This manual provides an overview of the configuration options available for Number Input Element.

Number input configuration options

  • Required: Make it mandatory for the contact the answer the question
  • Title: State here the information that you want to receive from your contact
  • Prefix: Insert here a text or symbol that appears before the input field to provide additional information or context about the type of number that should be entered
  • Suffix: Insert here a text or symbol that appears after the input field to provide additional information or context about the type of number that should be entered
  • Placeholder: Provide an example in the field of the kind of information or format that should be entered into the field
  • Hint: Provide a hint underneath the field of the kind of information or format that should be entered into the field
  • Decimal: Provide the maximum amount of decimals that is allowed to be entered into the field
  • Min: Specify the minimum character count required for the input
  • Max: Specify the maximum character count required for the input
  • Default: Pre-fill an answer into the text field
  • Key: The key is the identifier of the element and is used for conditions, elements with the same key will be automatically prefilled 
