How to manually set up a campaign

With Penbox, you can create your own campaign to reach out to all your customers effortlessly, saving precious time. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your campaign.

How to Create a campaign list

  • Go to and login
  • In the left most column click on Campaigns & Lists 
  • In the top bar click on Create a campaign 
  • Enter the name of your campaign in the modal and click on Create 

In order to setup the campaign you will follow four steps, Upload, Mapping, Option, and Creation

How to upload the campaign data (Upload)

  • In the top right corner click on Add Data 
  • In the pop-up select your file type
  • There are two kind of file types: CSV Brio
    • CSV files are used for campaigns for which the contact data is not extracted from Brio PLW 
    • Brio files are used for campaigns for which the contact data is extracted from Brio PLW, and the data needs to be imported back into Brio PLW


Note: For Brio files, you need to have an Brio extract of your Contact and Policies list, and your Brio affiliation number. To extract these files follow the steps in this manual. INSERT LINK

  • Upload your file file(s) by clicking on Load file 
  • For Brio files, fill in your Brio Affiliation number
  • Select the flow that you want to use for your campaign 
  • Click on Upload files 

Setup your data variables (Mapping)

  • After uploading your files you will be redirected to the second step (Mapping) 
  • Allocated to right variable type to the right column, this is to ensure that your end-users flows are correctly pre-filled

At Penbox there are the following variable types: 

Variable type Value  Description
 user.given_name Plain text First name contact
user.family_name Plain text Surname contact Plain text E-mail contact Numerical Phone number contact
data.address_street Plain text Street name contact
data.address_number Numerical  House number contact
data.address_box Plain text House number addition contact
data.address_zip Plain text Zip code contact
data..address_city Plain text Place of residence
data.address_country Plain text Country of residence
data.date_of_birth Numerical Contact's data of birth
data.title String Contact's title
data.marital_status String Marital status contact
data.childern_has TRUE or FALSE Does the contact have children
data.professional_status String Contact's profession 
data.profession_free_text Plain text Contact's profession free text
data.sector_free_text Plain text Contact's sector of employment
data.nationality Plain text Contact's nationality
data.iban Plain text Contact's Iban 
data.driver_driving_license_has TRUE or FALSE Does the contact have a driving license ?
data.polite   Contact's flow politeness form
user.internal_ref Plain text Contact's internal reference 
user.local nl, fr, en or du Contact's flow language

Tip: Add these variables on top of each column, this way the software will automatically allocate the variable type to the correct column. However, you can also manually assign them to the right column after uploading the csv file 

Select the flow options (option)

An overview will open showing you you flow settings, click on the toggle button to activate or deactivate them.

  • Next click on Validate options

Design sans titre (2)

Create the requests (Creation)

  • After clicking on Validate options you will be directed to the next step. Click on Start creating

Note: it might take a couple of minutes to create all the request. 

The request have been created and are ready to be planned. Click here to learn how to plan and pause your campaign.