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Use options to personalize your custom flow

With options you can personalize and add information to your custom flow. This manuals explains you how to add options to your custom flow.

How to access the options menu

  • Go to app.penbox.io and log in

  • In the left most column click on flows 

    • click on Your Templates 

      • Look up the flow that you want to edit and click on Edit in studio

  • On the left side of the screen under Menu, click on Options

How to add options 

  • To add an step click on Add option

  • Next click on Add element 

  • Select an element and personalize it


Use options to display or hide elements/steps in your flow

With options you can customize your flow before sending it to your contact.  In order to do so follow the following steps:

  • Add a toggle in the options menu 
  • In steps menu place a condition on the step or element that you want to hide/display
    • Follow the steps on how to make a condition WITH THIS MANUAL

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You can now decided to display the chosen elements/steps to your contact before send the request


Use options to add information to Word documents 

With options you can add information to your flow in order to pre-fill in contracts or Word documents. Follow the following steps in order to create input fields for your Word documents and contracts: 

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